Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Denver Bitter

A place of Honey - with Bitter extracts
Confusing?Indeed!Let me lay down the facts!

Familiar faces whom you might have known for days
Would walk right past you with an unfamiliar gaze

the ones' on whom productive hours were spent
    Socializing on social apps which specialise on sex
Would have a stranger's stare if you smile by accident
    An amnesia that is pretty bewildering and comlex!

With rising levels of alcohol in bloodstreams
Some changes might appear, as if in your dreams
An unrequited desert might give you a wink
But dont be fooled - it is not what you might think
(Not that i have not been fooled before
by taking the wrong cue, i was handed a rejection sore)

So be there with known friends and rehearse your pretenses
Shut out your emotions and build your defenses
Chug a few down and unfasten a few shirt buttons
unleash your social self as you cajole with the fellow gluttons

And if you survived with an unhurt heart (and unscarred self-esteem too)
Denver Bitter might start tasting Sweet to you!!

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