Tuesday, October 6, 2009


What is it that you seek? Knowing the correct answer to this question is perhaps the key to happiness and contentment in a person’s life. Achieving the goal is like an added bonus, but setting the target is what a person in pursuit of happiness should primarily focus on. We lead our daily lives in an aimless fashion. We keep doing what we are taught to do, the only purpose of that being securing a safe and stable life. So that at the end of the day we get back home safe, have four to five nice square meals a day, enjoy some recreational activities (read movies, eating out etc) and may be buy a nice car and a house. But it doesn’t require much of a pondering to realize that this mode of living can hardly be termed as life.
I particularly detest the concept of work being a mode of earning livelihood. Out of the short 24 hrs we have granted per day, an average person spends 12 hrs (including the commuting) in his workplace. And if this valuable and most active part of the day is spent only praying for it to end, the only adjective that can describe the situation is pathetic.
We can blame our society and parental pressure for the wrong choice of career that has rather being made for us. But what about trying to improve on what we have already. No learning is of waste. So who is denying us now the way to pursue our dreams and start doing something that we may like. If we really like doing something putting some extra effort for that purpose wont surely be a problem, So what it is that keeps stopping us.
The answer perhaps lies in the fact that we are always afraid go get out of our little comfort zones that we had started building around us from the day we started to learn to be mature.

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