Saturday, February 15, 2020

bright days

The brightest days remind you of them
those embraces stuck in time and space
that make no sense in realities realm
but helps you survive life with grace

you remember when a few words were said
and peonies bloomed all over your heart
when you craved for a kiss before it all went fade
and the games of practicality had to restart

or you can feel the accidental touch
that brushed your hand with golden hue
you weren't sure if you had a bit too much
so you assumed it was too good to be true

and now when you try hard to be grateful for
just those moments that nurture the soul
a soft numb clenching, a silenced roar
still try  to consume your existence whole

These bright sunny days! i wish they weren't as good
Sometimes it's the perfect recipe for a pensive mood

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